Sunday, October 14, 2007


Okay well the first presentation that I really remember is the one by James Cranford. He did the presentation on choosing a plasma TV or an LCD TV. I found it interesting because I have always been into home entertainment systems and I am constantly trying to improve mine. The presentation was especially nice since I am looking into buying a new TV here in the near future. I loved how on his hand out he had the pros and cons to each type of TV, something that will be very useful when it comes time to make a final decision on the television that fits me best.

The other presentation that I really liked, although I can't remember the name of the student who did it, was the presentation on the restaurants in the Clemson area. With me turning 21 this month I found the presentation to be very helpful to me and informative enough for me to print out his hand out and tape it to my wall so I know the weekly specials to the restaurants around here.

All in all I thought all the presentations were good but these two were the ones that stuck out in my mind and will be referenced in the very near future.

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